jeudi 11 février 2010



My understanding of globalization is defined as where you can get the most resources for the cheapest price, where you can get the best talent where it is available, where you can produce at its most cost effective, where it can be sold at its maximum profit, and finally no national boundary.


- A greater opportunity to collaborate internationally.

- A wide range of foreign products.


- More competition or conflict.

- Loss of employment.

dimanche 7 février 2010


Dear Mr. Buffet,

If we may present ourselves, we are Mohamed Boujida and Mohamed Oudghiri, two young Moroccan business men who are trying to change the world. Our plan is to build a car that drives itself, in other words, you enter the car and it takes where ever you desire. This will be a big and spacious and economical car. It will be an environmental friendly vehicle which will not pollute; it will be a hybrid, electrical and also uses some petrol. It will be a well designed car, which will have a fast engine and also a luxury saloon inside it. It will also have an option to park itself if you are in a hurry. Our strategy is to build a car that is safe, comfortable, environmentally friendly, and very fast. Our car will be the safest car on the market. Our Japanese and Chinese collaborators will make it at its best and this feature will be tried in the Kingdom of Morocco. The car will be very comfortable, with the latest technology in it. The car will have an extraordinary engine and design made by our Polish friends and the ending by the associates. Lastly our car will be very environmentally friend by no important production of C02, 1% per 100 km, which is very good, otherwise it will use electricity. Our headquarters will be based in the British capital, London. We will have shops all around the globe with a highly qualified personal at your disposition. Our factories will be all over the world and our workers will be multiethnic as you can see on the business plan. We will also help people and associations so that our company will have a superior view and will be respected. The profits will be great since this is a new invention and most rich people are too lazy to drive.

Thank you for awarding us some of your precious time for our projects.

Sincerely, Mohamed Boujida and Mohamed Oudghiri

DVIB directors and chairmen

For contact:

24, SW5 North Kensington, London, UK




•Products of Company: GxT 465 DBIV

•Horizontal Nature of the Company (Explain each segment and where it is located):

Headquarters: London

Stores: London, Paris, Monaco, New York, Beijing, Tokyo, Casablanca, Montreal, Madrid, Lisbon, Berlin, Rome, Athens, Seoul, Ankara, South Africa (country), Canberra and Sydney, Moscow, Buenos Aires, Dubai, Manama, Qatar, Saudi Arabia

**This is the order of the cities where we will start our business.

•Vertical Nature of the Company (Explain each segment and where it is located):


Germany- Berlin, Stuttgart Frankfurt: The engine

· China-Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou—the interior

· Japan- Tokyo, Nagasaki and Kyoto-- Technology of Detection and programming of car.

· Malaysia-Kualalumpur-The wiring and accessories

· India-- New Delhi and Nangal-The wheels and plastic

· Poland and Romania-The exterior body, steel and metal


For our offices and our buildings will be environmentally friendly and respect the nature with no production of CO2 or other harming things to the nature and they will be used by solar panels and wind energy. As our car, this will respect the environment. Factories will also be good and respect the environment and all the wastes will be disposed of good and in safe ways.

•Raw Materials-Resources (used to create the products):

The steel for the metals will be got from, ArcelorMittal

Plastic will be from China.

Rubber from India.

The wheels from the Indian company Pirelli.

The metal and aluminum will be produced from the COBALT company.


We want our cars to be the best and safe for our customers:

Our workers will be from the following countries:

-The Germans will be in charge of the engine of the car and its performance and safety to satisfy the demands of our clients. The based Factory will be in Stuttgart, as Porsche is.

-The Chinese will work in Guangzhou and will be the ones in charge of the decorations and interior. They will be paid as a fixed payment by month.

-The Japanese will be responsible for the technology and all the accessories the car has. They are known for this and this is why we give them this hard and important task. They will be compensated by the amount of cars they program.

-Italy, only the wheels of rubber will be made there, and the products will come from Pakistan and India, this will be the task of Pirelli. They will have a monthly salary and have a good healthcare plan, if a worker is sick we have his/her complete charge.

-Poland and Romanians will make the exterior of our car and the body of it. They will have a monthly wage.

-The Moroccans will test these cars and will be paid very well because they are putting their lives in danger.

The healthcare system DBIV has is to not have any of its workers have problems with health and also take charge of them. In some countries we will tell workers those there maximum days to not come to work due to health reasons are 8 per year.

•Government and Regulations: Our company will be 100 percent regulated and legal to avoid any problems, and we will do the maximum to avoid any corruption or any problems. To help our government we will offer them 25 cars per year as a compliment for their public safety, Police, Paramedics or Firefighters.

•Profits: Our profits will be made from selling our new technology vehicles. We will sell them on 6 continents to make it a diverse business and this will be a start in the respecting of the environment. Also to make our company know and fine we will help children in need of healthcare and aged people and also associations…

History Questions Pg. 247-253

Pages 247-253

What impact did industrialization have on the gulf (distance between) the rich and the poor?

In 1890, the richest 9 percent of Americans held nearly 75 percent of the national wealth. Poor workers were attracted by the idea of socialism. There were also many americans who were capitalist and opposed the idea of socialism.

What were the goals of the early labor unions?

Early Labor Unions:

National Trades Union was the first labor union. The goals were shorter workdays, higher wages, and better working conditions. These unions had around 60,000 members.

The Knights of Labor:

This Union recruited all kinds of workers. Men, women, skilled, unskilled, farmers, and factory workers. Also they 60,000 African Americans join. In total 700,000 members. The knights pursued broad social reform. Equal pay for Equal work, the eight-hour workday, and an end to child labor.

The American Federation or Labor:

The AFL is different from the other unions. It is a racist union, and also a craft union. It had 250,000 members.

The Wobblies:

Some workers did not suit the policies of the AFL so they went to the wobblies.

What were the causes and outcomes of the major strikes of the late 1800s?

They were caused when the Baltimore and Ohio railroad announced a wage cut of 10 percent in the midst of a depression. This was the 2nd wage cut in 8 months. Other railroads did the same. During the strikes violence spread rapidly forcing President Rutherford B. Hayes to send troops. The troops killed many strikers. Men and Women attacked the railroad properties with fire. At the end it cost more than 5$ million of damage.