Pages 247-253
What impact did industrialization have on the gulf (distance between) the rich and the poor?
In 1890, the richest 9 percent of Americans held nearly 75 percent of the national wealth. Poor workers were attracted by the idea of socialism. There were also many americans who were capitalist and opposed the idea of socialism.
What were the goals of the early labor unions?
Early Labor Unions:
National Trades Union was the first labor union. The goals were shorter workdays, higher wages, and better working conditions. These unions had around 60,000 members.
The Knights of Labor:
This Union recruited all kinds of workers. Men, women, skilled, unskilled, farmers, and factory workers. Also they 60,000 African Americans join. In total 700,000 members. The knights pursued broad social reform. Equal pay for Equal work, the eight-hour workday, and an end to child labor.
The American Federation or Labor:
The AFL is different from the other unions. It is a racist union, and also a craft union. It had 250,000 members.
The Wobblies:
Some workers did not suit the policies of the AFL so they went to the wobblies.
What were the causes and outcomes of the major strikes of the late 1800s?
They were caused when the Baltimore and Ohio railroad announced a wage cut of 10 percent in the midst of a depression. This was the 2nd wage cut in 8 months. Other railroads did the same. During the strikes violence spread rapidly forcing President Rutherford B. Hayes to send troops. The troops killed many strikers. Men and Women attacked the railroad properties with fire. At the end it cost more than 5$ million of damage.
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